Monday, December 6, 2010

Rote Armee Fraktion

    The RAF, or the “Rote Armee Fraktion,”  described themselves as a communist and anti-imperialist “urban guerilla” group engaged in armed resistance against what they deemed to be a fascist state, (Wikipedia). The RAF was founded in 1970  by Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler and Ulrike Meinhof.    
    The group existed from 1970 to 1998, they committed numerous operations, the highest concentration being in the autumn of 1977. In 1977 this high concentration of terrorist movements lead to a national crisis known as “German Autumn”. Responsible for thirty-four deaths, as well as many secondary targets; including, chauffeurs and bodyguards.
    The Fraction always called themselves the “Rotte Armee Fraktion,” and the names such as “Baader-Meinhof Gang, “Baader-Meinhof Group” or “Baader-Meinhof, were nicknames for the group.
    The so-called “second generation” of the RAF, existed in the mid to the late 1970s after several former members of the Socialist Patients’ Collective joined, (Wikipedia). Then the “third generation” of the RAF came about, which existed in the 1980s and 1990s.  The original members of the group died while in prison, and attending their court hearings. The second generation of the RAF formed holding the same ideas as the first, but remained an independent group from them. And the third following the second in a similar fashion.
    The RAF was well known for their terrorist tactics. They conducted numerous operations where they would set buildings ablaze, but more so, the members spent time executing members of political standing in what they considered to be the fascist government. In the year of 1977, alone, they killed thirty-four people who were believed to stand against their anti-imperialist ideas. Today, in comparison, the terrorists most known are far more drastic in their operations. The terrorists associated with Muslim culture, use murderous wide-spread attacks to draw attention to them, they feed off of the fear created from these attacks. The RAF, however, targeted their attacks specifically to execute the main powers opposing them. They were organized  and had a specific central goal, unlike violent random attacks of the Muslim terrorists.

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